If you were born after the year 2000, you probably know how to do everything online. The smartphone is always in your hand, and you probably spend very little time reading a book or writing letters in cursive. You don’t need an old dog like me telling you how to buy auto insurance for your Honda. A direct insurance policy is for you. You know how to download apps to your phone and manage your account. Since you probably haven’t accumulated many assets at this point in your life, you probably don’t care if you have enough insurance if you cause an accident. What are they going to do, sue you for millions that you don’t have? Go ahead. Buy the minimum. No agent online is going to talk you into protecting your current and future income and assets.
If you were born before 2000, you might recognize the value of consulting with a professional agent like me who has had decades of experience. Agents selling insurance have been around for a century or more. Some have been bad; most have been good. If it doesn’t cost any more to buy from an agent, why wouldn’t you? You can still download the app to your phone, log onto your account online, and call the company directly after the policy is in force, but at least you know you’ve purchased the proper limits and coverages when you do.
Just like going to the department store to try on an article of clothing before you go home and buy it online, feel free to call me to decide what coverage you need before calling the direct insurance company. At least I know that if you hit me with your car, you’ll be adequately insured, and my bills will get paid.