Directory of Companies
Learn a little more about the companies we represent.

Quality of Service

Price is always the most important consideration when shopping for insurance. Service during the policy and after a claim should also be considered. You get what you pay for.


Insurance companies come and go in Oregon. We stick with the companies that have remained stable for a long time.

Automation and ease of use is a huge consideration. These companies are some of the most technologically advanced making it easier to do business.

Foremost Insurance Group is well-known across the nation for its manufactured home insurance. It also offers insurance for homes, renters, landlords, motorcycles, boats, motor homes, and travel trailers. A discount may apply when paired with a Bristol West (a Foremost subsidiary) auto policy.

If you are a Foremost customer, please download the app to manage your policy:

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 Or visit the Foremost website at:

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Click here to register for the first time.

Or call Foremost at 1-800-527-3905